Aoyama Suidou Yuuen


I went to Aoyama Suidou Yuuen located in Niigata city to view some wisteria! FYI, suidou literally means waterway and yuuen means pleasance.

It was on May 9, 2024. I was lucky enough to come to see wisteria because its best season is pretty short. The weather was good, not to mention the fragrance!

Other than that, I took some pictures of seasonal flowers there as well. Not knowing their names, I looked them up with Google Lens. Maybe I am wrong, so take it with a grain of salt.

The area surrounded by the water in the picture down below is that of Japanese irises. They are not in bloom yet. They say the best season is in the middle of June. I also spotted a rabbit hutch but forgot to take a picture. That is all for today.


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