Hakusan Shrine


I visited Hakusan Shrine in Niigata City.

It was May 11, 2024. The weather was good, too and I walked around the shrine and took a lot of pictures! I will start with plants such as white wisteria and azaleas.

I got to see rare things like Chouzuya, White Rabbit of Inaba and Hakusan Kukuri Stone. Even though I was just strolling, I really enjoyed it because there were a ton of attractions!

Chouzuya is a place where you cleanse your hands and mouth before praying to Japanese God. White Rabbit of Inaba is a rabbit with divine power written in a Japanese myth called Kojiki. Hakusan Kukuri Stone has spiritual power and is said to obtain the power of Kukurihime, a Japanese goddess in a Japanese myth.

Last but not least, here are some other fantastic views! I also saw Miko, a maiden woman that assists Shinto priests, but did not take a picture.

I am going to peace out with these signs.


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