Byoudouji Yakushidou Temple

Cultural Assets

I visited Byoudouji Yakushidou Temple located in Higashi Kanbaragun, Niigata prefecture.

Just stopped by because there is a famous cedar called Shogun Cedar on the east side of the temple.

It was June 1st, 2024. It was sunny and more hot than warm.

This temple, an important culture asset, is said to have been founded by Taira no Koremochi, and it all started for the purpose of enshrining a gold Yakushi statue that he found in the river. Yakushi is hard to translate, but I would say a doctor. Just take it with a grain of salt 😉

I am going to share some more pictures in addition to the temple itself.

Sharing this sign just in case as this temple is on the west side of Shogun Cedar. Sugi means cedar, FYI.

Uploading two pictures from a distance and that’s it for today.


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