45th Yutagami Onsen Hydrangea Festival on Mt. Gomadou


Hi! This time I climbed up Mt. Gomadou located in Niigata prefecture because they are having a hydrangea festival there!

It was on June 20, 2024, sunny and a little windy but too hot for June.

The Hydrangea Festival will be running from June 8 to July 7, 2024.

Tagami Road Map
Exploration for the History of Mt. Gomadou

I will start with some pictures of my way to the mountain top. The power of plants is really amazing because they grow up so well without fertilizer!

Here are some of the pictures of the mountain top. According to the sporadic signs, I walked for 1800 meters… with my sandals on lol

Hydrangea Garden
Gomadou Castle Ruins

Before climbing down, I took a rest and energized myself at Hydrangea Teahouse ( ^^) _旦~~

Ajisai Chaya (Hydrangea Teahouse)
Take a rest here after buying stuff at the teahouse
Ramune and Shaved Ice

With a few pictures of the mountain base, I will go to bed 🙂

1800 meters to the top of Mt. Gomadou / A 40-minute walk to the Hydrangea Garden


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