Suidouyama Park in Mitsuke city, Niigata


Hello there! I went to see some hydrangeas at Suidouyama park located in Mitsuke city, Niigata prefecture 😀

It was on June 22nd, 2024. The weather was sunny and a little hot even in a T-shirt.

There are over five thousand hydrangea trees planted here and I came over out of curiosity.

I will start with the signs.

Suidouyama Park Parking lot
Get along well, help people in trouble and tell adults about broken playthings if any.
No parking
Course Guide for Chubu Hokuriku Natural Sidewalk

Here are the main hydrangeas. Many of them were bluish. I assume about 60% of them were blooming then.

Holy smoke! It only had two swings and no other playground equipment Σ(・□・;)

While walking around the park, I found a shrine.

Kono Shrine
Kono Shrine
Kono Shrine

Sharing some more pictures taken at the park and I will take a nap. Peace 😀


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