Tanabata Wind Chime Festival at Gosen Hachimangu Shrine


This time I visited Gosen Hachimangu Shrine located in Gosen city.

It was July 2nd, 2024, cloudy and a little hot.

I came over here because they will be holding this festival called “Summer Visit: Tanabata Wind Chime Festival ☆ Going around the Milky Way” from June 30 to July 15, 2024. Rather than a visit for the purpose of prayer, taking pictures or shooting videos seemed much more like their main purpose including me.

The wind chimes from all over the world with Japan’s included were pleasing to the ear for sure 🙂

As this is a shrine, of course I took pictures of the main shrine, auxiliary and subsidiary ones and some guardian dog statues as well 😀

I saw Circle of Thatches for Nagoshi no Ooharae(a seasonal Shinto ceremony held on the 30th of June), so I am going to share it, too.

Sharing some more instagrammable pictures, that’s it for today, peace.


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