

Echigo Herb Fragrance Park Irihirose

This time I visited Echigo Herb Fragrance Park Irihirose located in Uonuma city, Niigata prefecture. It was June 26, 2024, cloudy and a little hot. I will start with some pictures around the entrance. For some reason, there were almost no other visitors. Well, anyway I will share these beautiful flowers down below that I came across in the garden! Some are familiar to me, some aren't.

Suidouyama Park in Mitsuke city, Niigata

Hello there! I went to see some hydrangeas at Suidouyama park located in Mitsuke city, Niigata prefecture :D It was on June 22nd, 2024. The weather was sunny and a little hot even in a T-shirt. There are over five thousand hydrangea trees planted and I came over out of curiosity. I will start with the signs.

45th Yutagami Onsen Hydrangea Festival on Mt. Gomadou

Hi! This time I climbed up Mt. Gomadou located in Niigata prefecture because they are having a hydrangea festival there! It was on June 20, 2024, sunny and a little windy but too hot for June. The Hydrangea Festival will be running from June 8 to July 7, 2024.

Japanese Iris Festival at Shirasagi Forest Park

This time I went to Shirasagi Forest Park for its Japanese Iris Festival located in Sanjou City, Niigata Prefecture! It was on June 10, 2024, sunny, not windy and a little hot. This festival is supposed to be held from June 10 to June 23rd, 2024.