niigata city

Aquatic Animals

Niigata City Aquarium – Marinepia Nihonkai

新潟市にあるマリンピア日本海に行ってきたのでブログに残しておきます。日付は2024年7月2日。天気は曇り、暑くも寒くもなく。入場料はPayPayで支払うことができたのでこれは便利。僕以外にも水族を観に来た家族連れのお客さんやカップルが大勢いました。 ということで水族の写真はこちら。

Nigorikawa Park

I went to Nigorikawa Park in Niigata city because I heard that there is a rose garden there. In the rose garden, some were in full bloom and some weren't. It was pretty hot on the day, and several caretakers were taking care of the roses while taking a break under the tree nearby.

Ikutopia Shokuhana KiraKira Garden

I visited Ikutopia Shokuhana Kira Kira Garden located in Niigata city. FYI, shoku means eat, hana means flower and kirakira is an onomatopoeia to describe something that glitters. It was on May 25, 2024. Newborn baby plants as well as blooming flowers were arranged beautifully!

Ninomiya Rose and Japanese Garden

I went to Ninomiya Rose and Japanese Garden located in Kitakanbara-gun, Niigata prefecture! It is supposed to be held from May 18 to June 18, 2024.

Former Ozawa Family Residence

I went to Former Ozawa Family Residence, one of Niigata city's culture assets. It was on May 11, 2024. About 850 meters from Niigata City History Museum. The inside of the residence looked like this.